Weight Loss Program

Our weight loss program is science based. Our weight loss clinic does not rely on diets or fads.
Your wait finally is over: a weight loss program under a Medical Doctor’s supervision.

Your weight problems will be over with a little effort . . . and then . . . Your life journey will start anew…

Why this Weight Loss Program?

Congratulations! One of our patients lost 120 Lbs.Looking for a weight loss program? When it comes to finding a weight loss program, specially in our information age, there are thousands upon thousands of weight loss programs to choose from. If you take a moment with your computer and search the web for: “medical weight loss Toledo Ohio” over 100,000 different programs will come up. By taking the word ‘medical’ out and searching “weight loss Toledo Ohio” over 500,000 programs will come up. So “why this program?”, because thus far what you have tried has not been successful, or the success was limited, and you are ready for your weight to be over in a healthy, long lasting way.

Possibly you have tried other weight loss programs previously and failed? Possibly you succeeded for a short time but then the weight came back? Maybe you tried once, twice or ten times, it doesn’t matter; today is a new day and a new beginning. This will absolutely be the most unique weight loss program you have ever experienced.

This program is holistic, scientific, rational, user friendly, and does not require calorie or carb counting. There are no foods, supplements, or vitamins to buy. You will not be required to eat food that is foreign to you. Also, there is no preset meal schedule, or rigid protocol to follow.

So in brief, Dr. Jabaly weight loss is:

  • Science – Not gimmicks or fads
  • Confident Choices – Not restrictive diets
  • Active Fun – Not extreme exercise
  • Life Skills – Not rigid rules
  • Empowerment – Not ultimatums
  • Results – Not frustration

Medical science did not study obesity when it began, and literally in the last few decades it became an epidemic. Unfortunately, obesity prevention, minimization, and management is not being taught to most medical students during their schooling.

Aaah. . . as a Doctor, I would be remiss if I said exercise would not be a health benefit to most people who are trying to lose weight. However, exercise is not a strict requirement of the program. Additionally, in some cases, the obesity is caused by a disease that would prevent most exercise. In other cases, the overweight person might say that they do not have the time to exercise. Again, there are no hard and fast rules related to exercise. If you are medically able to exercise, exercise would facilitate weight loss in addition to providing numerous other health benefits.

This weight loss program is not an overnight solution. That is, it took you time to gain the weight, reasonably then, it will take you some time to lose the weight. If you are seeking a magic pill, overnight solution, or a quick fix, this is not the program for that. If that is your desire, I wish you the best in your search for that fix and please call us again should you become open minded to investing a small amount of time and energy in your weight loss efforts.

Like many other weight loss programs, you will have your initial assessment, based on your medical history, lab results, and the amount of weight you are looking to lose, next visit will be in a one or two weeks, based on the results, you will see me every 2, 3 or 4 weeks, even if I suggested 4 weeks interval, but you are not doing well, you can call and come early.

Discuss with Doctor Jabaly purchasing package options based on your needs.

If you are required to be on the road traveling a great deal of the time, you live in a different state, or your residence is a long driving distance from Dr. Jabaly, ask Doctor about the special arrangements that can be made to accommodate you.

Sustained weight loss is the result of behavior change. If previous weight loss attempts had resulted in sustained weight loss, you would likely not be reading this. This program facilitates permanent behavior change through education regarding what YOUR body needs to get to a healthy weight and maintain it.

You are one decision away from a new path, new mindset,
different body, new weight, and a new outlook on life.

Stop being a prisoner to your past, to your failure to improve your health and weight.

Stop looking down on yourself, you deserve to care for yourself. Help your self image, stop worrying whether you deserve it or not.

Perhaps you are wrapped in many lies about many aspects of your life, as the idea that yesterday is now a story. So is all the personal history you accumulated till now. They are nothing but stories. The question still stands: are you happy with who you are and what are you doing in your life? If yes, great, good for you, go on and enjoy your life, but if not, do something about it.

If you keep thinking about the past, you will continue living in a total illusion, your energy will be always be locked in, your potential will always be minimized, as the elephant confined to a chair in a circus.

All of your past leads you to is this moment. If you capture this moment’s energy, and make the best of it, you can change your life for good, and you can create new memories of success, satisfaction, etc…

Identify not with who you were yesterday, but with who you can be from now on.

You are one decision away from who you want to be.

As a human being, you have a tremendous power to change, you have the gift of total control over your life.

Perhaps you are living in repetition of the past; work, pay the bills, discount yourself, sacrifice for others, do everything for everyone around you but not for yourself.

You have the key to your prison cell, you can use it to free yourself. No one will come to rescue you.

Having said all that, let us now focus on the details regarding your health and weight:

  • Restriction doesn’t work – what you resist, it resists you back.
  • Dieting doesn’t work – but you need to understand how food, appetite and metabolism work.
  • Aligned eating DOES work – you need to vibrate along the health energy level.

More than 90 percent of people who go on diet programs (even healthy ones) fail or eventually regain because they have a dysfunctional relationship with food. Changing this relationship by changing the way you think about and behave around food is what it takes to permanently achieve weight-loss success. “As you think, so shall you be”.

After all, it is not what you put in your mouth that hurts you, but what you put in your mind.

Change the way you look at things and the things you are looking can change.