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Medical Weight Loss in Ohio

Losing weight and, above all, maintaining the weight loss afterward requires discipline and consistency. Doctors can support patients through medicinal, nutrition, exercise, and behavioral therapies to speed up weight loss. This is known as medical weight loss. If you need medical weight loss services in Toledo, OH, call Dr. Jabaly at 419.882.6784 to book an appointment. The Case for Medical Weight Loss Around...

6 Benefits Of Medical Weight Loss Clinics

Weight loss is a growing challenge around the world. As a result, people are looking for effective and innovative ways to lose weight and keep fit and healthy. Unfortunately, this means many people are also falling into the trap of generic weight loss and dieting plans on the internet. Now, that's not to say there aren't any effective dieting and weight...

Medical Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that almost every third adult in the USA is considered to have medical obesity? Being affected by obesity and overweight can impact your health and increase the risk of many health problems that can lead to a higher risk of depression, cancer, heath disease, and diabetes. Being overweight can even reduce the quality of a person's life, and...

Lose Weight & Keep It Off With Our Medical Weight Loss Program

Approximately 42 percent of the American population is obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. When you are overweight, your quality of life can be reduced, and your lifespan can be shortened. In fact, being overweight can increase the risk of a variety of health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Losing weight can seem impossible,...

Are Weight Loss Clinics Effective?

According to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2016, over 49 % of Americans are actively trying to lose weight. This is perhaps most evident at the start of any year when weight loss is at the top of most New Year resolutions. Unfortunately, most people stumble along the way and give up their weight...

Weight Loss Clinics: A Painless Strategy to Losing Weight

Two in every three Americans is either overweight or obese. Weight management is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life. It is an endeavor at the heart of weight loss clinic operations and can help minimize your risk for various chronic conditions. The best weight loss clinics have trained doctors and clinicians that provide proven and safe weight loss...

It’s Okay to Seek Help on Your Weight Loss Journey

Many people feel like they can't seek help when starting their weight loss journey, they feel that is something that they have to do on their own. This simply isn't the case. You might be surprised to hear that it is even recommended that you seek help! You don't need to do it all on your own, nor should you...

Ultimate Guide To Finding The Right Family Doctor In Toledo

Family is essential and vital to every individual, therefore the need to keep them healthy. There is nothing more critical and vital to providing the best health care for your family. Healthcare, especially family medicine, covers a wide variety of issues. It is the desire of every family to have access to the best medical care, this explains the increasing...

Cold or allergy: Which is it?

I seem to get a cold every spring and fall. I'm wondering if these "colds" are really seasonal allergies. How can I tell? Answer From James M. Steckelberg, M.D. If you tend to get "colds" that develop suddenly and occur at the same time every year, it's possible that you actually have seasonal allergies. Although colds and seasonal allergies may share some of...

Cold Remedies

Cold remedies: What works, what doesn't, what can't hurt There's no cure for the common cold. But what about cold remedies that claim to make you feel better faster? Find out what's effective — and what's not. By Mayo Clinic Staff Cold remedies are almost as common as the common cold, but are they effective? Nothing can cure a cold, but there are...