Medical Weight Loss in Ohio

Medical Weight Loss in Ohio

Losing weight and, above all, maintaining the weight loss afterward requires discipline and consistency.

Doctors can support patients through medicinal, nutrition, exercise, and behavioral therapies to speed up weight loss. This is known as medical weight loss. If you need medical weight loss services in Toledo, OH, call Dr. Jabaly at 419.882.6784 to book an appointment.

The Case for Medical Weight Loss

Around 40% of adults are considered obese, i.e., they have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 30 kg / m2. According to the guidelines for the prevention and therapy of obesity, doctor-assisted measures to reduce weight are indicated for them.

The same applies to overweight people with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg / m2 or if there are concomitant diseases such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. This is also the case if the waist circumference is at least 88 centimeters for women and 102 centimeters for men. The BMI and thus the degree of obesity and any comorbidities are decisive for the procedure in individual cases.

The Outcomes in Medical Weight Loss

At Dr.Jabaly’s WEIGHT LOSS CLINIC, the motivation and ability of the patient to cooperate is a prerequisite for successful therapy. The aim is to ensure long-term weight control beyond the actual weight loss phase. The extent of the weight reduction should be based on the initial weight.

For obesity grade, I (BMI: 30-34.9), a permanent reduction of 5 to 10 percent of body weight is recommended, for obesity grade II (BMI: 35-39.9) by at least 10 percent and for obesity grade III (BMI: 40 and more) up to 30 percent.

Dr. Jabaly advises overweight patients (BMI: 25-29.9) about a healthy lifestyle and encouraging them to exercise more in everyday life. The aim is not just to treat but also to prevent weight gain.

Medical Weight Loss: Therapeutic Strategies

Referral for Hospitalization

This is for patients with high degree obesity with marked clinical instability or requiring diagnostic tests and complex multidisciplinary evaluations.

From the diagnostic point of view, in a differentiated manner depending on the clinical picture of the patient, there is the possibility of carrying out:

  • Radiological, ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance tests for patients up to 180 kg
  • Digestive endoscopy also in sedation and anesthetic assistance
  • Polysomnography, motor evaluation, maximal effort ergometric test, and cardiological examinations

These tests provide specialized insights necessary for the classification and treatment of the main risk factors.

The assessments in the metabolic-nutritional field include:

  • Resting metabolism and oxidation of substrates by indirect calorimetry
  • Body composition by double X-ray densitometry and bioimpedance analysis.

Patients with marked clinical instability are treated in the most appropriate ways. At the end of the hospitalization, a path is proposed in the medical, physical, and rehabilitation fields.

Metabolic Nutritional Rehabilitation

The Dr. Jabaly Clinic’s nutritional rehabilitation path aims to help people with obesity to change their lifestyle through a program conducted that focuses on the body, the mind, and a person’s diet.

This path is indicated for people with severe obesity and the presence of associated diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, joints, etc.).

The course has a planned duration of a few weeks based on the clinical conditions. During the treatment course, the patient and other people with similar problems will undergo a rehabilitation program in the medical, psycho-educational, nutritional, and physical rehabilitation areas, following a per-established program of activities.

During the course, there will be moments of meeting and discussions between the doctors and patients (1-2 a week) to foster and strengthen the therapeutic results of the interventions.

At the end of the program, a follow-up program is established with the patient, which considers their problems and ways to help them stay on track with fitness.

What to Expect

The rehabilitation process involves:

Comprehensive assessment (medical, nutritional, sports medicine) allows the doctor to “know” the patient and customize the treatment program in specific areas.

The doctor creates a treatment program that includes individual interviews and participation in structured educational and motivational groups, nutritional plan, personalized physical activity adapted to the clinical conditions, and the real abilities of the patient. The weight loss doctor does a final evaluation (medical, nutritional, sports medicine ) with the delivery of the final clinical report and indications for the continuation of the therapeutic program.

Key Areas of Intervention

Medical Area

D. Jabaly carries out an accurate interview with a view of the clinical documentation and a physical examination to clarify the patient’s state of health and identify diagnostic and therapeutic needs. In-depth medical examinations are performed to identify risk factors and diseases associated with obesity, particularly the study of breathing disorders during sleep.

The doctor may prescribe weight loss medication as part of a weight-loss diet or exercise program following the assessment. You can burn more calories by taking medications that assist with weight loss. The medicines, however, can cause side effects as well. Due to the side effects of these medications, they are typically used with other weight loss methods rather than as the only weight loss tool. Dr. Jabaly will closely monitor all medicines if you are using them to ensure that you stay healthy while using them.

Nutritional Area

Dr. Jabaly performs anthropometric measurements (weight, height, circumferences), assessment of body composition. Patients also get an evaluation of the composition of nutrition and eating behaviors through individual interviews.

The doctor, with the input of the patient, calibrates a food plan. The DOCTOR JABALY WEIGHT LOSS PLAN is personalized and adapted to the individual patient. The doctor provides practical and useful information for nutrition management.

There are also regular educational meetings to provide information and tools that allow patients to change their dietary lifestyles to achieve and maintain weight loss goals.

In the presence of specific indications and under medical supervision, the patient can follow a treatment with a deficient calorie diet (VLCD) through the use of replacement meals that will be directly recommended in the program.

The indication to follow the VLCD protocol will be agreed upon with the patient. It will be taken based on the indications formulated from recent researches on Ketogenic Diet, intermittent fasting, and approved prescription medications.

Emotional Area

The doctor will perform diagnostic tests and an interview to assess the motivation for change, the presence of symptoms of psychological distress, eating disorders, and quality of life.

The psychological path with a cognitive-behavioral and systemic-strategic approach also includes regular individual interviews with the patient and psychoeducational and motivational therapy.

Physical Area

Each patient gets a functional assessment with Dr. Jabaly to plan physical activity and a motor aptitude classification test for normal daily life activities.

Based on this evaluation, a physical activity program is designed for each patient. The intensity, duration, and type of activity carried out are always calibrated on the patient’s clinical conditions and actual abilities.

Treatment Goals

The nutritional rehabilitation treatment has goals to be achieved during the course (short-term) and goals to be achieved and maintained after the course (long-term).

For effective and reliable DOCTOR-GUIDED WEIGHT LOSS in Ohio, call Dr. Jabaly at 419.882.6784 to book an appointment.

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